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Greetings! Thank you for taking the time out of your day to visit this website. 

The idea of this website was born when a few friends and I were discussing the upcoming election. We talked about how majority of people seemed to know who their pick for president would be, but that was about it. We found many people did (ourselves included) did not have the slightest idea of the candidates running in State and Local Elections. 


We found this news to be particularly disheartening because most of the policies that affect us on a day to day basis are placed on the Local and State Levels.  In an effort to combat this, we created this website. 

Even amongst us, as friends, we had our own differing political viewpoints however, we tried to remove all bias from the website. If you noticed, we were very careful to not even mention if the candidates were Republican or Democrat. We are not interested in telling you who to vote for. That is not why we put hours upon hours to making this website. We just want you to have knowledge on whoever it is that you decide to cast your ballot for. If there is only one person that is reached and educated by this, then we would consider it a smashing success.


Thank you for your time and don't forget to vote!

If you have questions, comments or concerns I can be reached via email:

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